
Shipping Policy

  • Orders are usually shipped within 3-5 business days of placing an order.
  • Typically, all orders are shipped with freight companies.
  • Tracking information will be provided via email as soon as the order is shipped.
  • All deliveries are made Monday to Friday ONLY.
  • To be able to provide you with the fastest service and lowest rates, most orders are shipped via freight companies with "Curbside Deliveries". It will be your responsibility to bring the furniture inside the premises.
  • If you reside in a high-rise building, arrangements must be made to accept shipment at the loading dock or building front.
  • The Freight company will call in advance to schedule a delivery appointment.
  • Freight companies will only provide you with a time slot for delivery which is usually 2 to 4 hours, or sometimes it can be during business hours with no specific time. You will have to arrange to receive the items or have someone at your home or business to receive it on your behalf.
  • Orders shipped to a business address will not require a delivery appointment.
  • In some cases, our freight carriers may not be able to deliver to certain remote locations or may require an additional fee in order to deliver to certain locations. As a result, bunks to go will give you the option to pay the additional fee or cancel your order. If applicable, this will be clearly communicated to you before your order ships.
  • Prices, Rates, Free Shipping applies to continental USA ONLY.